Promoluks - pisanje

Natio Soft* Metal Ballpoint Pen - White Natio Soft* Metal Ballpoint Pen - White
Metal ballpoint pen NATIO SOFT in yellow with touch end, soft rubberized surface and silver accessories including two decorative rings.
Kemični svinčnik Tural iz bambusa in kovine Kemični svinčnik Tural iz bambusa in kovine
Organic Materials

Predstavljamo vam kemični svinčnik Tural, ki združuje naravne materiale in eleganten dizajn. Njegovo ohišje je izdelano iz visokokakovostnega bambusa, kar daje pisalu topel in naraven videz, hkrati pa prispeva k trajnostni uporabi virov. Kovinski dodatki dodajajo prefinjenost in trpežnost, kar zagotavlja dolgo življenjsko dobo pisala.

Opremljen je z modrim polnilom velike kapacitete, ki omogoča dolgotrajno in gladko pisanje. Ergonomska oblika zagotavlja udoben oprijem, zaradi česar je pisalo primerno za vsakodnevno uporabo v pisarni, šoli ali doma.

Z izbiro kemičnega svinčnika Tural ne le da pridobite kakovostno pisalo, temveč tudi prispevate k varovanju okolja z uporabo obnovljivih virov. To pisalo je odlična izbira za vse, ki želijo združiti funkcionalnost z okolju prijaznim pristopom.

Armi Soft Metal Ballpoint Pen - White Armi Soft Metal Ballpoint Pen - White
Elegant design ballpoint pen ARMI has a rubberized surface and dull gray accessories. Large refill, blue ink. Gabrielis collection.
Siona Soft* Metal Ballpoint Pen - White Siona Soft* Metal Ballpoint Pen - White
Metal pen SIONA SOFT with silver details and soft rubberized surface in yellow colour.
Alba° Metal Ballpoint Pen - Silver Alba° Metal Ballpoint Pen - Silver
ALBA is a very popular aluminium promotional pen, with two silver rings and chrome accessories on a dark matt yellow body. Large refill, blue ink. Evergreen Classics collection.
Fibia Gel Gel Pen - White Fibia Gel Gel Pen - White
Gel pen FIBIA GEL with lid and rubberized surface in bright yellow colour, black design clip. Large- capacity gel refill.

Naložite svoj logotip in si oglejte 3D prikaz na tisočih izdelkih

Carti Recycled Paper / Straw Ballpoint Pen - Black Carti Recycled Paper / Straw Ballpoint Pen - Black
Recycled Materials
Ballpoint pen CARTI made of recycled paper with natural straw components. SAVE THE NATURE Collection. T1+ (FINE) print according to the price list.
Orin* Metal Ballpoint Pen - Silver Orin* Metal Ballpoint Pen - Silver
ORIN very popular aluminium promotional pen. Shiny gray body with two silver rings and chrome accessories. Large capacity blue refill.
Oira* Plastic Ballpoint Pen - White Oira* Plastic Ballpoint Pen - White
Plastic ballpoint pen OIRA in yellow colour. The body of the pen is decorated with two chrome rings and an oval shaped cut in the surface. Has a blue writing Jumbo refill.
Banzi Metal Ballpoint Pen - White Banzi Metal Ballpoint Pen - White
Metal pen BANZI with shiny surface and characteristic elonged tip. The tip and the clip are chromed. Large refill, blue ink.
Aresta Plastic Ballpoint Pen - Yellow Aresta Plastic Ballpoint Pen - Yellow
ARESTA plastic ballpoint pen with rotating mechanism in neon yellow colour, with black tip and black metal clip to which an epoxy sticker can be attached. Large refill, blue ink. Design collection.
Roget Soft Metal Ballpoint Pen - White Roget Soft Metal Ballpoint Pen - White
Metal ballpoint pen ROGET SOFT with brown-black accessories, rubberized surface and stylos in the color of the pen's body . Semigel refill with micro tip, blue writing.
Viron Metalic Paper Ballpoint Pen - White Viron Metalic Paper Ballpoint Pen - White
Recycled Materials
The body of the VIRON ballpoint pen consists of a paper tube made of recycled paper and completed with a metallic orange plastic tip and clip. X20 refill, blue writing.
Borgo Straw Bamboo/Straw/Plastic Ballpoint Pen - Grey Borgo Straw Bamboo/Straw/Plastic Ballpoint Pen - Grey
Organic Materials

Predstavljamo vam kemični svinčnik Borgo, ki združuje naravne materiale in eleganten dizajn. Njegovo ohišje je izdelano iz visokokakovostnega bambusa, medtem ko so konica, sponka in gumb izdelani iz kombinacije pšenične slame in plastike v sivi barvi, kar prispeva k zmanjšanju uporabe tradicionalnih plastičnih materialov.

Ta kemični svinčnik je opremljen z modrim polnilom velike kapacitete, ki omogoča dolgotrajno in gladko pisanje. Njegova ergonomska oblika zagotavlja udoben oprijem, zaradi česar je primeren za vsakodnevno uporabo v pisarni, šoli ali doma.

Z izbiro kemičnega svinčnika Borgo ne le da pridobite kakovostno pisalo, temveč tudi prispevate k varovanju okolja z uporabo obnovljivih virov. Ta svinčnik je odlična izbira za vse, ki želijo združiti funkcionalnost z okolju prijaznim pristopom.

Sotti Touch Metal Ballpoint Pen - White Sotti Touch Metal Ballpoint Pen - White
Slim metal ballpoint pen SOTTI with the touch end in rot with chrom accessoires and 3 rings. Refill X20 blue writing.
Metria Soft Metal Ballpoint Pen - White Metria Soft Metal Ballpoint Pen - White
Thin pen with a rubberized body and chrome accessories. X20 blue writing refill.
Lucen Soft Metal Ballpoint Pen - White Lucen Soft Metal Ballpoint Pen - White
Metal red ballpoint pen LUCEN SOFT with rubberized surface and silver accessories. The logo gets silver color with mirror effect when lasered.
Erase Erasable Pen - White Erase Erasable Pen - White
Plastic ballpoint pen ERASE in red metallic color and silver clip with a tip for erasing the written text. Blue writing refill.
Branco Metal Ballpoint Pen Recycled - White Branco Metal Ballpoint Pen Recycled - White
Recycled Materials
Designer metal pen from recycled aluminum. A dark metal clip is attached in a decorative transparent end cap, complemented by a bamboo clip. Large-capacity refill, blue writing. SAVE THE NATURE Collection.
Latte Notebook With A Ballpoint Pen In Box Latte Notebook With A Ballpoint Pen In Box
LATTE notebook in cardboard, made from recycled milk cartons and a ballpoint pen with a bamboo grip. The set is presented in an ecological paper gift box. Save the nature collection.
Presa Metal Ballpoint Pen - Silver Presa Metal Ballpoint Pen - Silver
Metal black ballpoint pen PRESA with metallic red push-button. Unconventional on this pen is a laser that is red glossy. The inverse processing of the logo stands out here in particular. Large content refill, blue writing.
Avena Straw/Plastic Ballpoint Pen - Turquoise Avena Straw/Plastic Ballpoint Pen - Turquoise
Ballpoint pen AVENA with 60% wheat straw and 40% ABS plastic. Structured blue body ballpoint pen with smooth large clip suitable for printing. Save the nature collection.
25 cm lesen tesarski svinčnik-bela 25 cm lesen tesarski svinčnik-bela
On Sale
25cm wooden carpenter pencil.

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