Tisk na Puloverje & Jopice

Adidas Men's Entrada 22 Training Top - GREY - S Adidas Men's Entrada 22 Training Top - GREY - S
You'll be prepared in this adidas Entrada 22 Training Top. A half zip allows you to adjust your coverage, and elastic cuffs ensure a stay-put fit. AEROREADY moves moisture away from your skin so you stay dry and comfortable. Made with 100% recycled materials, this product represents just one of our solutions to help end plastic waste.
XS - 3XL
Berghaus Men's Prism Micro PT FL Hzip - BLACK - 3XL Berghaus Men's Prism Micro PT FL Hzip - BLACK - 3XL
Striding out on fresh coastal paths or trekking across hillsides is just the terrain this lightweight, yet brilliantly warm fleece was made for. Highly durable, the fabric stays looking great for longer and has a soft and comfortable feel, while you can wrap up and keep the chilly wind off your neck, or lower the half zip to cool down on strenuous climbs. As far as companions go, it's an easy going essential on any refreshing day out.
XS - 3XL
Berghaus Men's Prism Micro PT IA FL Jkt - BLACK - 3XL Berghaus Men's Prism Micro PT IA FL Jkt - BLACK - 3XL
Lightweight and breathable, this is a mighty contender when it comes to warmth. Made from Polartec Classic micro fleece, it has a great warmth to weight ratio, whilst being incredibly soft and comfortable. Highly durable, it's also part of our Interactive range, so you can zip it into any Berghaus waterproof Interactive jacket for a little extra weather protection when you need it.
XS - 3XL
Berghaus Men's Prism PT IA FL Jkt - BLACK - S Berghaus Men's Prism PT IA FL Jkt - BLACK - S
When sunny days take a chilly turn, that's when the Prism PT Jacket comes into its own. With a great warmth to weight ratio, the Polartec Classic fleece fabric is incredibly soft with a high quality feel. For versatility you can't go wrong as the Interactive zip makes it the perfect companion to zip inside a Berghaus Interactive jacket for extra weather protection. Plus you're never far from your essentials as zipped hand pockets keep everything safe. So, no matter how changeable the weather, this will match it!
XS - 3XL
Women´s warm Schwarzwolf sweatshirt is made of brushed feece inside and modern smooth feece on the outside. It has an imaginative red details and pocket on the chest. Material: 100% polyester, 290 g/m2. Recommended printing technology: embroidery, silkscreen printing S3. Carbon footprint: gCO2 e11602.
Berghaus Women's Prism 2.0 Micro IA FL Jkt - BLACK - 20 Berghaus Women's Prism 2.0 Micro IA FL Jkt - BLACK - 20
Meet easy going style that's simple yet scores big on Brownie points. This jacket is so versatile, it hides mountains of warmth inside a classic fit. For essentials two generous zipped pockets fit the bill so no matter what your day brings they'll stay safely stashed away. A high neckline and soft chin guard stop sneaky draught chilling your bones and its so slim, you can wear it under an outer jacket to boost the insulation. With every detail considered right down to stretch bound cuffs, we think it's a pretty good all rounder.
8 - 20

Naložite svoj logotip in si oglejte 3D prikaz na tisočih izdelkih

SCHWARZWOLF PANUCO Functional sweatshirt SCHWARZWOLF PANUCO Functional sweatshirt
Schwarzwolf functional space-saving sweatshirt is madeof cotton and polypropylene knitwear. The sweatshirt hasexcellent thermal insulation and dissipates moisture veryquickly. It is suitable for sports as well as for daily use.The sweatshirt includes a zipper and the Schwarzwolflogo behind the neck. Natural feature of this materialis its predisposition to mechanical damage. This iscompensated by high level of functionality and comfort.Material: 60% polypropylene, 40% cotton. Recommended branding: silkscreen printing S3.
M, 2XL
M - 2XL
Berghaus Women's Prism PT IA FL Jkt - BLACK - 18 Berghaus Women's Prism PT IA FL Jkt - BLACK - 18
Put changeable weather in its place with our highly insulated, handy mid-layer. Chilly days are no match for Polartec Classic fleece which has an impressive warmth to weight ratio. Great for powering up hillsides, the highly durable fabric also has a soft hand feel, keeping you comfortable all day long. Great on its own or perfect to zip into any Berghaus outer from the Interactive range, you can add an extra layer with ease when you need it, making this a great choice whatever the weather.
8 - 20
SCHWARZWOLF PANUCO Functional sweatshirt - Black / S SCHWARZWOLF PANUCO Functional sweatshirt - Black / S
Schwarzwolf functional space-saving sweatshirt is madeof cotton and polypropylene knitwear. The sweatshirt hasexcellent thermal insulation and dissipates moisture veryquickly. It is suitable for sports as well as for daily use.The sweatshirt includes a zipper and the Schwarzwolflogo behind the neck. Natural feature of this materialis its predisposition to mechanical damage. This iscompensated by high level of functionality and comfort.Material: 60% polypropylene, 40% cotton. Recommended branding: silkscreen printing S3.
S - XL
Columbia Men's Fast Trek II Full Zip Fleece - BLACK - L Columbia Men's Fast Trek II Full Zip Fleece - BLACK - L
Stay toasty and warm when youre hiking camping and walking no matter what the weather offers up. Made from lightweight polyester microfleece this Columbia fleece keeps you warm and comfortable from the moment you put it on so you can relax and enjoy the great outdoors.
XS - 2XL
Columbia Men's Klamath Range II Half Zip - BLACK - M Columbia Men's Klamath Range II Half Zip - BLACK - M
Super light fleece makes this piece perfect for layering- its also excellent as an outer layer to fight the chill during outdoor activities on brisk winter days
S - 2XL
Columbia Men's Sweater Weather Full Zip - BLACK - L Columbia Men's Sweater Weather Full Zip - BLACK - L
Easy to layer once the temperature drops, this full zip fleece adds warm cosiness to the wardrobe with its high neck, adjustable hem and zippered pockets.
S - 2XL
Maureen - Ladies' Full Zip Microfleece Jacket - White / XL Maureen - Ladies' Full Zip Microfleece Jacket - White / XL
100-% poliestrski mikroflis. obdelan proti muckanju;Zadrga po vsej dolžini;Dva žepa z zadrgo;Dodatno obrobljen ovratnik. manšete in zadrge;Prilegajoči se kroj;Certifikat STANDARD 100 OEKO-TEX®N° CQ1007/8. IFTH;Nenavadna barvna toleranca pri konvojsko sivi: 10-%;
XS - 4XL
Columbia Women's Fast Trek II Jacket - BLACK - S Columbia Women's Fast Trek II Jacket - BLACK - S
A soft light fleece with a flattering fit and streamlined design- this seasonless layer will keep you warm during outdoor excursions or everyday use
XS - 2XL
Falco - Full Zip Microfleece Jacket - White / 3XL Falco - Full Zip Microfleece Jacket - White / 3XL
100-% poliestrski mikroflis. obdelan proti muckanju;Sprednja zadrga po vsej dolžini;Dva stranska žepa z zadrgo;Certifikat STANDARD 100 OEKO-TEX®N° CQ1007/8. IFTH;Nenavadna barvna toleranca pri konvojsko sivi: 10-%;
S - 5XL
Columbia Women's Glacial IV 1/2 Zip - BLACK - S Columbia Women's Glacial IV 1/2 Zip - BLACK - S
Essential all year long, this half-zip layer has a feminine fit and smooth feel. Comfort stretch lets you move, while a roomy, high collar keeps out drafts.
XS - 2XL
Columbia Women's Sweater Weather Full Zip II - BLACK - L Columbia Women's Sweater Weather Full Zip II - BLACK - L
The full-zip fleece, made from a warm and stretchy fabric, features a chin guard and adjustable hem for a cosy feel you’ll want to reach for every day this winter.
Craghoppers Men's Expert Corey 200 Fleece Jacket - BLACK - S Craghoppers Men's Expert Corey 200 Fleece Jacket - BLACK - S
Exceptional microfleece jacket constructed from velvety fleece fabric thats lightweight durable and insulating. The perfect way to add an extra layer of warmth on cooler days. Quick drying and easy to care for.
S - 3XL
Craghoppers Women's Expert Miska 200 Fleece Jacket - BLACK - 16 Craghoppers Women's Expert Miska 200 Fleece Jacket - BLACK - 16
Classic Craghoppers fleece jacket. Insulating and reliably easy care Miska makes a snug mid layer. Fulllength zip with zipped side pockets.
8 - 20
Haglofs Men's Buteo Mid Jacket - BLACK - L Haglofs Men's Buteo Mid Jacket - BLACK - L
With so many outdoor adventures awaiting, be sure to keep a trusty mid-layer ready in your kit. This all-around jacket offers great moisture management and insulation properties, making it ideal for layering or simply wearing on its own. It's made from recycled polyester and an optimized pattern to reduce waste. And it comes equipped with two zippered pockets for your essentials. It's perfect hiking, but versatile enough for all kinds of outdoor activities.
S - 2XL
Jacket Hizan - White / M Jacket Hizan - White / M
Jacket in warm and soft polar fleece of 280g/m2, with anti-pilling treatment. With collar in maxi size, zipper closure with strap in puller and side pockets. Available in sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL. Anti-Pilling Treatment
S - 2XL
Helly Hansen Men's Daybreaker Fleece Jacket - BLACK - M Helly Hansen Men's Daybreaker Fleece Jacket - BLACK - M
You can use this versatile and supersoft fleece jacket for yearround comfort. Wear it alone on chilly days or layer it when the temp drops.
S - 2XL
Helly Hansen Men's Daybreaker Half Zip Fleece - BLACK - 5XL Helly Hansen Men's Daybreaker Half Zip Fleece - BLACK - 5XL
You can use this versatile, and super-soft fleece half-zip pullover for year-round comfort. Wear it alone on chilly days or layer it when the temperature drops. This fleece is made with recycled materials.
S - 5XL

Personalizirani puloverji in jopice – promocijsko darilo, ki izstopa

Ko iščete učinkovito promocijsko darilo, ki bo obenem uporabno in opazno, so puloverji in jopice s tiskom ena najboljših možnosti. Tisk na puloverje omogoča, da vaša blagovna znamka postane vidna na ulicah, v pisarnah, na dogodkih in v vsakdanjem življenju strank.

Promocijski puloverji in jopice so priljubljeni pri podjetjih, športnih ekipah, šolah in organizacijah, saj omogočajo enostavno ustvarjanje profesionalne in prepoznavne podobe. Ne glede na to, ali želite oblačila za zaposlene, darila za stranke ali ekskluziven promocijski material, potiskani puloverji so izjemno priljubljeni zaradi svoje uporabnosti in trajnosti.

Z izbiro kakovostnega materiala in primernim tiskom lahko zagotovite, da bodo vaši puloverji udobni in dolgotrajni. Možnosti personalizacije so skoraj neskončne – lahko dodate logotip, slogan, grafike ali celo personalizirana sporočila. Poleg puloverjev so na voljo tudi tiskane promocijske jopice, ki so še posebej priljubljene zaradi svoje vsestranskosti in praktičnosti.

V nadaljevanju si bomo ogledali različne metode tiska na puloverje in jopice, da boste lažje izbrali tisto, ki najbolj ustreza vašim potrebam.

Katere vrste tiska na puloverje in jopice so na voljo?

Ko se odločate za tisk na puloverje ali jopice, je pomembno izbrati ustrezno tehniko tiska, ki bo zagotovila dolgo obstojnost, kakovost in ustrezno vidnost logotipa ali dizajna. Glede na material, želeni učinek in količino naročila so na voljo različne metode tiska. Spodaj predstavljamo najpogostejše tehnike tiska na puloverje in jopice.

1. Sito tisk – klasična in obstojna rešitev

Primerno za: večje količine, enostavne dizajne, logotipe
Lastnosti: izjemna obstojnost, močne barve, cenovno ugodno pri večjih serijah
Pranje: da, barve ostanejo živahne tudi po številnih pranjih

Sito tisk je najpogosteje uporabljena tehnika za potisk tekstila, saj omogoča tiskanje živih barv na različne vrste blaga. Gre za postopek, kjer se barva ročno ali strojno nanese skozi posebno mrežo, kar zagotavlja izjemno obstojnost. Idealna izbira za večja naročila promocijskih puloverjev in jopic.

2. DTF tisk (Direct to Film) – izjemna natančnost in barvitost

Primerno za: kompleksne grafike, manjše serije, večbarvne potiske
Lastnosti: možnost tiska podrobnih motivov, gladek otip, primerno za različne materiale
Pranje: da, zelo obstojen ob pravilnem pranju na nizkih temperaturah

DTF je sodobna tehnika digitalnega tiska, ki omogoča prenos živih in podrobnih grafik na puloverje in jopice. Barva se s pomočjo posebne folije prenese na tkanino, kar zagotavlja visoko obstojnost in fleksibilnost. Primerna izbira za tiste, ki želijo živahne barve in podrobne motive na svojih promocijskih oblačilih.

3. Flex in flock folija – za enobarvne logotipe in napise

Primerno za: športne puloverje, enobarvne napise in logotipe
Lastnosti: gladek (flex) ali žameten (flock) otip, dolga obstojnost
Pranje: da, vendar se priporoča pranje na nižjih temperaturah

Pri tej tehniki se iz posebne folije izreže dizajn, ki se nato s pomočjo toplote prenese na pulover. Flex folija je gladka in rahlo svetleča, medtem ko je flock folija žametna in daje eleganten videz. Tehnika je primerna za preproste napise, številke in logotipe.

4. Vezenje – luksuzen in obstojen potisk

Primerno za: premium promocijske puloverje in jopice, delovna oblačila
Lastnosti: prestižen videz, izjemna trajnost, odporno na pranje in obrabo
Pranje: da, brez izgube kakovosti

Vezenje je najbolj prestižna in obstojna tehnika, saj logotip ali napis ni natisnjen, temveč izvezen z nitjo. Čeprav je ta metoda nekoliko dražja, je idealna za podjetja, ki želijo elegantne promocijske puloverje ali jopice s profesionalnim izgledom.

5. Sublimacija – za športna oblačila in poliester

Primerno za: športne puloverje in jopice iz poliestra
Lastnosti: izjemna barvna intenzivnost, dolga obstojnost
Pranje: da, barve ostanejo enake tudi po številnih pranjih

Sublimacija omogoča tisk v živo pisanih barvah, vendar je primerna le za poliesterske tkanine. Ta metoda se pogosto uporablja za športne ekipe, tekaške klube in promocijske dogodke, kjer so potrebni funkcionalni in trpežni puloverji ter jopice.

Pogosta vprašanja o tisku na puloverje in jopice

Preden naročite tisk na puloverje ali jopice, se verjetno pojavi nekaj vprašanj – od izbire prave tehnike do rokov dobave in možnosti personalizacije. Da vam olajšamo odločitev, smo pripravili odgovore na najpogostejša vprašanja kupcev.

1. Kako hitro lahko dobimo puloverje ali jopice s tiskom?
Rok izdelave je običajno 5 do 10 delovnih dni, odvisno od količine in izbrane tehnike tiska. Če potrebujete hitro dostavo, nam to sporočite in preverili bomo možnosti za ekspresno izdelavo.

2. Ali lahko naročimo puloverje in jopice z lastnim dizajnom?
Seveda! Pošljite nam svoj dizajn v ustreznem formatu (PDF, PNG, AI ali EPS) in preverili bomo, ali je primeren za tisk. Če potrebujete prilagoditve, vam pri tem z veseljem pomagamo.

3. Kaj če nimamo pripravljenega dizajna?
Nič hudega! Naša ekipa oblikovalcev vam lahko pomaga ustvariti profesionalen potisk, ki bo ustrezal vašim željam in tehničnim zahtevam tiska.

4. Katere vrste puloverjev in jopic lahko potiskate?
Na voljo imamo širok izbor modelov, med katerimi lahko izbirate:

  • Klasični bombažni puloverji
  • Hoodie puloverji s kapuco
  • Športne jopice s potiskom ali vezenjem
  • Delovne jopice za podjetja in organizacije

Glede na vaše potrebe vam pomagamo izbrati pravo vrsto puloverjev ali jopic.

5. Kako dolgo zdrži tisk na puloverju ali jopici?
Trajnost potiska je odvisna od izbrane tehnike. Sito tisk in vezenje sta najbolj obstojni metodi, saj preneseta številna pranja brez izgube kakovosti. DTF in flex tisk omogočata podrobne in barvite motive, vendar zahtevata pravilno vzdrževanje (pranje na nizkih temperaturah, sušenje na zraku).

6. Ali lahko naročimo majhno količino puloverjev ali jopic?
Da! Pri digitalnih tehnikah, kot je DTF tisk, omogočamo naročila že od 5 kosov naprej, medtem ko je pri sito tisku minimalna količina običajno 20 ali več kosov.

7. Ali nudite popuste za večja naročila?
Da, pri večjih količinah ponujamo ugodnejše cene na kos. Kontaktirajte nas za personalizirano ponudbo, prilagojeno vašim potrebam.

8. Ali lahko naročimo različne velikosti in barve v enem naročilu?
Seveda! V eni seriji lahko kombinirate različne velikosti in barve puloverjev ali jopic, pod pogojem, da ostane dizajn enak.

9. Kako lahko naročimo in kakšne so možnosti plačila?
Naročilo lahko oddate preko spleta ali e-pošte, plačilo pa je možno s predračunom, kreditno kartico ali po dogovoru. Če imate posebne zahteve glede naročila, nas kontaktirajte in z veseljem vam pomagamo.

10. Ali lahko potiskamo tudi delovne jopice ali hoodie puloverje?
Da! Potiskamo lahko različne vrste promocijskih in delovnih oblačil, vključno z debelimi hoodie puloverji, lahkimi športnimi jopicami in zaščitnimi delovnimi jopami.

Pošljite nam povpraševanje še danes!

  • Posvetovanje o podrobnostih s prodajalcem
  • Neobvezujoča ponudba v 24 urah
  • Samo vnesite osnovne podatke
Pošlji povpraševanje