
Dobrodošli na strani s flaškami in lončki TO GO Avira.

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Velika izbira modernih in priljubljenih barv.

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Izbira modelov, ki pokrijejo vse vaše potrebe.

reciklirani materiali


Narejeno iz recikliranih materialov! tako kovinski, kot plastični deli izdelkov.

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Celo embalaža je dizajnirana tako, da jo lahko uporabite za druge namene.

Vabimo vas, da si izdelke pogledate bolj podrobno v nadaljevanju.

Avira Ain RCS Re-steel 150ML mini travel bottle - White Avira Ain RCS Re-steel 150ML mini travel bottle - White
On Sale
Recycled Materials
Introducing the Avira Ain mini travel cup - the perfect solution for your on-the-go caffeine needs. With a 150ml capacity, this cup is the ideal size for a quick pick-me-up while you're out and about. Its sleek design and convenient size make it easy to carry in a bag, and its secure lid prevents spills and leaks. Made with RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) certified recycled materials. RCS certification ensures a completely certified supply chain of the recycled materials. Total recycled content: 74% based on total item weight. Including FSC®-certified kraft packaging. Repurpose the box into a phone holder, pencil holder or flower pot!
Avira Alya RCS Re-steel tumbler 300ML - White Avira Alya RCS Re-steel tumbler 300ML - White
Recycled Materials
Upgrade your everyday sipping and reach your hydration goals with our sleek looking Alya tumbler. The double-walled, vacuum-insulated stainless steel body keeps your favourite beverage warm for up to 6 hours and refreshing water chilled for up to 8 hours. The bottom features a non-slip silicone pad. Made with RCS certified recycled stainless steel. RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) is a standard to verify the recycled content of a product throughout the whole supply chain. Total recycled content: 71% based on total item weight. BPA free. Capacity 300ml. Including FSC®-certified kraft packaging. Don't throw the box away but repurpose the box into a phone holder, pencil holder or flower pot!
Avira Atik RCS Recycled PET bottle 1L - Transparent Avira Atik RCS Recycled PET bottle 1L - Transparent
Recycled Materials
The Atik bottle is excellent if you value lightweight portability and minimalistic design. Ideal for hydrating on the go. The body of the bottle is made from 100% RCS certified RPET. RCS certification ensures a completely certified supply chain of the recycled materials. Hand wash only. This product is for cold drinks only. Total recycled content: 86% based on total item weight. BPA free. Capacity 1000ml. Including FSC®-certified kraft packaging. Repurpose the box into a phone holder, pencil holder or flower pot!
Avira Atik RCS Recycled PET bottle 500ML - Transparent Avira Atik RCS Recycled PET bottle 500ML - Transparent
Recycled Materials
The Atik bottle is excellent if you value lightweight portability and minimalistic design. Ideal for hydrating on the go. The body of the bottle is made from 100% RCS certified RPET. RCS certification ensures a completely certified supply chain of the recycled materials. Hand wash only. This product is for cold drinks only. Total recycled content: 82% based on total item weight. BPA free. Capacity 500ml. Including FSC®-certified kraft packaging. Repurpose the box into a phone holder, pencil holder or flower pot!
Avira Avior RCS Re-steel bottle 1L - White Avira Avior RCS Re-steel bottle 1L - White
Recycled Materials
The Avior RCS Recycled stainless steel vacuum bottle is designed for long-lasting enjoyment of your drinks! The double-wall recycled stainless steel vacuum construction keeps beverages chilled for up to 20 hours or warm for up to 10 hours. This bottle fits most standard car cup holders so you can bring it with you anywhere. Made with RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) certified recycled materials. RCS certification ensures a completely certified supply chain of the recycled materials. Total recycled content: 86% based on total item weight. BPA free. Capacity 1000ml. Including FSC®-certified kraft packaging. Repurpose the box into a phone holder, pencil holder or flower pot!
Avira Avior RCS Re-steel bottle 500 ML - White Avira Avior RCS Re-steel bottle 500 ML - White
Recycled Materials

Predstavljamo vam Avira Avior RCS Re-steel steklenico, izdelano iz recikliranega nerjavečega jekla, ki združuje trajnost in funkcionalnost. Njena dvostenska vakuumska konstrukcija omogoča, da vaše pijače ostanejo hladne do 20 ur ali tople do 10 ur, kar je idealno za vsakodnevno uporabo.

Steklenica s prostornino 500 ml se popolnoma prilega večini standardnih avtomobilskih držal za pijače, kar omogoča enostavno prenašanje na poti. Izdelana je iz RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) certificiranih recikliranih materialov, kar zagotavlja popolnoma certificirano dobavno verigo recikliranih surovin. Skupna vsebnost recikliranih materialov znaša 82% glede na celotno težo izdelka. Steklenica je BPA free, kar pomeni, da ne vsebuje škodljivih kemikalij.

Vsaka steklenica je pakirana v FSC®-certificirano kraft embalažo, ki jo lahko ponovno uporabite kot držalo za telefon, lonček za svinčnike ali cvetlični lonček, s čimer dodatno prispevate k varovanju okolja.

Izberite Avira Avior RCS Re-steel steklenico za kakovostno in trajnostno rešitev za vaše potrebe po hidraciji.

Naložite svoj logotip in si oglejte 3D prikaz na tisočih izdelkih

Avira Atlas RCS recycled PP 700ML lunchbox - White / Grey Avira Atlas RCS recycled PP 700ML lunchbox - White / Grey
Recycled Materials
Introducing the Atlas RCS Recycled Plastic Lunchbox - lower impact, 700ml capacity, perfect for meals on the go! Start eating from lower impact lunch boxes today.It's made with RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) certified recycled materials, ensuring a fully certified supply chain of recycled materials. With a total recycled content of 62% based on the total item weight, it's eco-friendly and BPA-free. Including FSC®-certified kraft packaging, you can even repurpose the box as a phone holder, pencil holder, or flower pot!
Avira Ara RCS Re-steel fliptop water bottle 500ml - White Avira Ara RCS Re-steel fliptop water bottle 500ml - White
Recycled Materials
The Ara RCS Recycled Stainless Steel Vacuum Bottle is designed with an innovative fliptop lid and a straw, making it perfect for sports or on-the-go activities. Its double-wall construction, made from recycled stainless steel, keeps your water chilled for up to 20 hours. This bottle fits most standard car cup holders, allowing you to take it with you wherever you go. It's made with RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) certified recycled materials, ensuring a fully certified supply chain of recycled materials. With a total recycled content of 96% based on the total item weight, it's eco-friendly and BPA-free. With a 500ml capacity and including FSC®-certified kraft packaging, you can even repurpose the box as a phone holder, pencil holder, or flower pot!

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