Glasba in zvok

Soundview Speaker - Bela Soundview Speaker - Bela
Doživite čudovit 15W zvok z zvočnikom, ki zagotavlja bogate nizke tone. Ima vgrajen zaslon LCD za prikaz podrobnosti o skladbi in dva načina izenačevanja, ki ustrezata vašim zvočnim željam. Zahvaljujoč 3600 mAh bateriji lahko uživate do 10 ur predvajanja. Skrbno izdelan iz reciklirane plastike ABS uteleša inovativnost in trajnost. S priročnim kablom USB-C ga napolnite v samo 2 urah.
  • Recycled Material: 0.59
  • CO2 Footprint: 13.47
Earphones in PS case Musiplug - White Earphones in PS case Musiplug - White
Earphones in PVC housed in a triangular PS case. Cable length 120 cm.
Brezžični Zvočnik Colorissimo - Rumena Brezžični Zvočnik Colorissimo - Rumena
Kompaktni zvočnik Colorissimo je univerzalna ideja za darilo, ki bo razveselilo vsakogar. Naprava je povezljiva preko Bluetooth-a in z enim polnjenjem deluje do 8 ur. Zaseg brezžičnega prenosa je tudi do 10 m. Prekrit je z visokokakovostnim silikonom in ABS, s čemer je odporen na poškodbe. Zvočnik je prenosljiv in opremljen z zanko iz blaga, na katero lahko pripnete ključe ali obesek za ključe.Izdelek je pakiran v beli kartonski škatli.
Foldable wireless headphone - White Foldable wireless headphone - White
On Sale
Wireless foldable headphone. The headphone is made out of ABS with an extendable polyester headband to fit all sizes. With comfortable PU earpads to listen to your favourite tunes for up to 4 hours on one single charge. The headphone uses wireless BT 2.1 for connection and has an operating distance up to 10 metres. Including microphone to pick up and answer calls, play/pause button and volume up/down button. Can also be used with the included 1 metre audio jack cable. Including micro USB cable to charge the headphone.
Fabric trend speaker - Black / Black Fabric trend speaker - Black / Black
Wireless 3W speaker. ABS body with soft touch finish and fabric grill, the bottom of the speaker has rubber strips for improved sound quality and grip. The 300 mAh battery allows for a playing time up to 3 hours on one single charge and connection distance up to 10 metres with BT 5.0. Includes USB-C cable to charge the speaker. Includes audio cable to connect the device to your mobile phone without wireless connection. Compatible with all mobile phones.
Aria Wireless Comfort Headphones - Black Aria Wireless Comfort Headphones - Black
On Sale
Clear acoustics meets Nordic design with the Aria wireless comfort headphones. The headphones are crafted out of luxurious materials; aluminium and PU. The headphones use BT 4.2 for smooth operation and connectivity. The 250 mAh battery allows you to enjoy up to 8 hours play. With built in microphone to answer calls. The item can be folded flat into the included pouch to enable you to take the headphones wherever you go. Packed in luxury gift box.

Naložite svoj logotip in si oglejte 3D prikaz na tisočih izdelkih

Liberty wireless earbuds in charging case - White Liberty wireless earbuds in charging case - White
On Sale
Ultimate freedom with these true wireless earbuds in charging case. The earbuds have a 35 mAh battery and can be re-charged in the 400 mAh charging case within 1 hour. Easy to pair with your mobile device to listen to your favorite music. Play time on medium volume about 2 hours. With BT 5.0 for optimal connection. Operating distance up to 10 metres. with mic. Including 3 size eartips. ABS material.
Solar portable LED flashlight with power bank and radio Solar portable LED flashlight with power bank and radio

A practical, reliable and ecological LED flashlight with a radio and a power bank is directly created for trips to nature. It can be charged via a solar panel, mechanically using a dynamo crank or via USB charging. The capacity of the power bank is 2000mAh. Color design in black or red.

Product suitable for logo placement. Logo size max. 28 x 9 mm.



  • Material: ABS
  • Power supply: USB cable / 3 x AAA batteries (not included)
  • Battery capacity: 2000 mAh
  • Voltage: 2.7V
  • LED flashlight
  • Size: 12.8 x 6 x 4 cm
  • Weight: 220g
  • Package contents: 1 pc + USB cable


FM radio with flashlight and power bank 3V1 FM radio with flashlight and power bank 3V1

FM radio with flashlight and 3V1 power bank is great for outdoor activities. It offers a combination of an LED flashlight, which can be charged with a dynamo or with the help of a USB cable, and a radio.

Product suitable for logo placement. Logo size max. 17 x 20 mm.



  • Battery: 260mAh / 3.7V
  • Emergency charging of Android and IOS smartphones
  • Charging: USB-A
  • Radio playback time on full battery: 1h
  • LED light on time with full battery: 2h
  • Alarm time: 40 minutes
  • Radio frequency range: 87.5-108MHz
  • FM sensitivity: 70dBuV
  • Alarm volume: ≥ 120dB (dB)
  • Dimension: 156.3 x 50 x 34mm
  • Weight: 153g
Speaker Christmas ball Jingle Ball - Red Speaker Christmas ball Jingle Ball - Red
5.0 wireless christmas bauble speaker in ABS. Easy connection with any wireless enabled device . Rechargeable Li-ion 300mAh battery. Includes USB charging cable. Output data: 3W and 4 Ohm. Operating range: 10 m.
In-ear earphones - White In-ear earphones - White
Free Samples
Earphones with a high sound quality. The earphones have a relatively large built-in drivers for powerful sound and a fine bass tone which results in an enhanced listening experience. Charging cable included that can also be used charge a mobile phone.
Okrogli brezžični zvočnik iz bambusa -Bela Okrogli brezžični zvočnik iz bambusa -Bela
Organic Materials
Ta 4.2 brezžični zvočnik iz ABS-a z bambusovim ohišjem in LED lučko, z priloženo 1 litijevo baterijo za ponovno polnjenje 450 mAh. Vključuje vključek za kartico SD in kabel AUX/USB, z funkcijo prostoročnega klica. Izhodni podatki: 3W, 3 Ohm in 5V. Čas igranja pribl. 3h. Bambus je naraven izdelek, zato so lahko vidne rahle razlike v barvi in ​​velikosti posameznega predmeta, kar lahko vpliva na končni rezultat dekoracije.
3W bambusov bluetooth zvočnik Sound Bamboo-bela 3W bambusov bluetooth zvočnik  Sound Bamboo-bela
Organic Materials
4.2 Zvočnik Bluetooth v ABS-u z bambusovim ohišjem. 1 polnilna Li-on baterija 450 mAh in lučka na dnu zvočnika. Izhodni podatki: 3W, 4 Ohm in 5V. Priložen kabel Micro USB. Čas predvajanja približno. 3h. Bambus je naravni izdelek, lahko obstajajo majhne razlike v barvi in velikosti na kos, kar lahko vpliva na končni rezultat dekoracije.
FusionBeat Earbud FusionBeat Earbud
Revolucionarno 3-v-1: slušalke, zvočnik in powerbank. Vsebuje 5000 mAh baterijo, 5W zvočnik z več kot 5 urami predvajanja in slušalke za ušesa s tehnologijo TWS. Čas polnjenja prek priključka USB-C je približno 2,5 h, frekvenčni odziv pa 100-20 kHz. Vse je izdelano trajnostno s tehnologijo rABS.
  • Recycled Material: 0.52
  • CO2 Footprint: 9.53
Ontario 5W brezžični polnilnik z zvočnikom Ontario 5W brezžični polnilnik z zvočnikom
On Sale
Posodobite svojo mizo s tem izjemno priročnim brezžičnim polnilnikom. Ta brezžični polnilnik, izdelan iz ABS in 100 % naravnega bambusa, ima vgrajen zvočnik in se popolnoma prilega vaši mizi ali dnevni sobi. Brezžični polnilnik je 5W polnilnik in je opremljen s 150 cm mikro USB kablom za povezavo z virom napajanja USB. 3W brezžični zvočnik vam omogoča pretakanje glasbe na razdalji do 10 metrov z uporabo BT 4.1. Brezžično polnjenje je združljivo z vsemi napravami, ki podpirajo QI, kot so Android najnovejša generacija, iPhone 8 in novejši. Vključuje 2x USB vhoda za polnjenje prek USB (5V1A max). Registriran dizajn®
Vogue Headphone Vogue Headphone
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The Vogue headphone is a trendy fabric over ear headphone. With trendy fabric on the outside and comfortable PU on the ear cushions and headband it is ideal for long time wear. The headphone can be folded so it is easy to take on your travels. The Vogue headphone uses wireless BT 4.0 for optimal connection up to 10 metres. With built-in 200 mAh battery for listening to your favourite beats up to 6 hours. With hands-free function to answer calls.Including micro USB cable. Registered design®
Zvočnik X iz bambusa Zvočnik X iz bambusa
On Sale
Ta trajnostni zvočnik združuje neverjetno zvočno izkušnjo z elegantnim dizajnom iz trpežnih in odgovornih materialov. Ohišje je izdelano iz trpežnega bambusa in tkanine iz mešanice 30 % organskega bombaža, 40 % konoplje in 30 % recikliranega PET. 5W zvočnik uporablja visokokakovostne komponente, ki zagotavljajo dolgo življenjsko dobo. 1.500 mAh baterija bo z enim polnjenjem delovala do 8 ur. Uporablja BT 4.2 za izjemno gladko povezavo in ima delovno razdaljo do 10 metrov. Registered design® Pakirano v 100% embalaži brez plastike
Light up logo wireless earbuds Light up logo wireless earbuds
On Sale
Wireless earbuds that can be customised with your logo to light up on the control panel for optimal exposure of your brand. The earbuds use BT 4.2 for smooth connection up to 10 metres. The built-in 55 mAh battery allows you to play music for up to 3 hours on 1 charge and re-charge is done in 1.5 hours. With microphone/pick up function to answer calls.
Vogue wireless charging speaker Vogue wireless charging speaker
On Sale
The Vogue 6W wireless charging speaker combines two essential functions of modern life: listening to your favourite music and charging your mobile device without any wires. The trendy fabric design is perfect for your desk, at home or on the go. The speaker uses wireless BT 3.0 for smooth connection and has an operating distance up to 10 metres. With handsfree function and pick up. The 4.000 mAh battery allows you to play music for up to 10 hours or charge your mobile phone twice (depending on the size of your phone’s battery) In case your phone doesn’t support wireless charging you can also use the USB port on the back to charge your phone in the traditional way with a cable. When using both functions it is recommended to keep the item connected to a power source via the included 150 cm micro USB cable. Input: 5V/1A. Output: 5V/1A. Wireless output: 5V/1A 5W. Registered design®
Light up logo wireless speaker Light up logo wireless speaker
On Sale
Wireless 3W speaker that can be customised with your logo on the ABS surface. The logo will light up for optimal exposure of your brand. The speaker uses BT 4.2 for smooth connection up to 10 metres. The built-in 400 mAh battery allows you to play music for up to 4 hours on 1 charge and re-charge is done in 1 hour.
Dvojni zvočnik X iz bambusa Dvojni zvočnik X iz bambusa
On Sale
Ta trajnostni zvočnik združuje neverjetno zvočno izkušnjo z elegantnim dizajnom iz trpežnih in odgovornih materialov. Ohišje je izdelano iz trpežnega bambusa in tkanine iz mešanice 30 % organskega bombaža, 40 % konoplje in 30 % recikliranega PET. 10 W zvočnik uporablja visokokakovostne komponente, ki zagotavljajo dolgo življenjsko dobo. Baterija 2.200 mAh bo z enim polnjenjem delovala do 6 ur. Uporablja BT 4.2 za izjemno gladko povezavo in ima delovno razdaljo do 10 metrov. Registered design® Pakirano v 100% embalaži brez plastike.
Swiss Peak ANC headphone Swiss Peak ANC headphone
On Sale
Take the next step in experiencing music with this lightweight active noise cancelling headphone. The headphone will eliminate all the surrounding environment sounds to make the music sound even more clear and powerful. The ABS headphone has an around-ear fit for optimal wearing comfort. The 400 mAh battery will allow you to play music for up to 14 hours on one single charge. Perfect for long trips, work or anything in between. Even if the battery is empty it’s no problem. Dead battery, no problem as it takes just a mere 1.5 hours to fully charge the headphones. With BT 4.2 which allows an operating distance up to 10 metres. With microphone/pick up function to answer calls. Including zipper pouch. ANC degree: 23 DB.
Double induction charging speaker Double induction charging speaker
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2X 3W speakers that can be paired for great stereo sound. Place the speakers anywhere you like for a great sound experience. The ABS speakers can be charged by simply placing them on the charging base. No need to connect any wires! Both speakers come equipped with a 300 mAh battery that allows a play time up to 2 hours. BT 4.2 for operating distance up to 10 metres. Including 120 cm micro USB cable to place the base on your desk or table.

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