Zložljivi "švicarski"noži

Gear X multifunctional knife Gear X multifunctional knife
Straight clear lines combined with great functionality. This multifunctional tool combines it all, in one pocket sized essential. The luxury aluminum body is matched with premium grade 420 stainless steel tools all presented in black. The 13 functions include: Knife, saw, slotted screwdriver, can opener, file, small Philips screwdriver, Philips screwdriver, corkscrew, thread guide, leather punch, box cutter, bottle opener and small blade. This multifunctional knife is ready for use when you need it. Packed in luxury gift box.
Wood pocket knife Wood pocket knife
On Sale
Compact and strong pocket knife with 9 functions. With beech wood case and high quality stainless steel tools. Tools include: knife, serrated cutter, scissors, file, saw, sewing tool, hook disgorger, phillips screwdriver, flat screwdriver. Packed in gift box.
Multi tool pocket knife bamboo Lucy Lux Multi tool pocket knife bamboo Lucy Lux
Organic Materials
Stainless steel multi-function pocket knife with a bamboo cover. 9 functions. Bamboo is a natural product, there may be slight variations in colour and size per item, which can affect the final decoration outcome.
Multi-function pocket knife Mcgregor Multi-function pocket knife Mcgregor
Steel multi-function pocket knife with an ABS surface. 13 functions.
Victorinox Bantam pocket knife Victorinox Bantam pocket knife
Recycled Materials
Original Swiss pocket knife from the Victorinox Officer's line: with ABS handle, connecting plates made from hard-anodised aluminium and tools made of 100% recycled steel. 5-pieces with 8 functions: knife, combi tool with can opener, bottle opener, wire stripper and screwdriver, keyring, tweezers and toothpick. Includes instruction manual and lifetime warranty on material and manufacturing defects. Victorinox knives are a worldwide symbol for reliability, functionality and perfection. Please note local rules may apply regarding the possession and/or carrying of knives or multitools in public. Each item is individually boxed.
Victorinox Classic SD pocket knife - White Victorinox Classic SD pocket knife - White
Recycled Materials
Original Swiss pocket knife from the Victorinox Officer's line: with ABS handle, connecting plates made from hard-anodised aluminium and tools made of 100% recycled steel. 5-pieces with 7 functions: knife, file with screwdriver, scissors, keyring, tweezers and toothpick. Includes instruction manual and lifetime warranty on material and manufacturing defects. Victorinox knives are a worldwide symbol for reliability, functionality and perfection. Please note local rules may apply regarding the possession and/or carrying of knives or multitools in public. Each item is individually boxed.

Naložite svoj logotip in si oglejte 3D prikaz na tisočih izdelkih

Victorinox Huntsman pocket knife - White Victorinox Huntsman pocket knife - White
Recycled Materials
Organic Materials
Original Swiss pocket knife from the Victorinox Officer's line: with ABS handle, connecting plates of hard-anodised aluminium and tools made from 100% recycled steel. 12-pieces with 15 functions: large knife, small knife, corkscrew, can opener with small screwdriver, bottle opener with large screwdriver, wire stripper, reamer with punch and sewing awl, wood saw, scissors, multifunctional hook, keyring, tweezers and toothpick. Includes instruction manual and lifetime warranty on material and manufacturing defects. Victorinox knives are a worldwide symbol for reliability, functionality and perfection. Please note local rules may apply regarding the possession and/or carrying of knives or multitools in public. Each item is individually boxed.
Victorinox Spartan pocket knife - White Victorinox Spartan pocket knife - White
Recycled Materials
Original Swiss pocket knife from the Victorinox Officer's line: with ABS handle, connecting plates made of hard-anodised aluminium and tools made from 100% recycled steel. 9-pieces with 12 functions: large knife, small knife, corkscrew, can opener with small screwdrive, bottle opener with large screwdriver, wire stripper, reamer with punch and sewing awl, keyring, tweezers and toothpick. Includes instruction manual and lifetime warranty on material and manufacturing defects. Victorinox knives are a worldwide symbol for reliability, functionality and perfection. Please note local rules may apply regarding the possession and/or carrying of knives or multitools in public. Each item is individually boxed.
Victorinox Waiter pocket knife Victorinox Waiter pocket knife
Recycled Materials
Original Swiss pocket knife from the Victorinox Officer's line: with ABS handle, connecting plates made of hard-anodised aluminium and tools made from 100% recycled steel. 6-pieces with 9 functions: knife, combi tool with can opener, bottle opener, wire stripper and screwdriver, corkscrew, keyring, tweezers and toothpick. Includes instruction manual and lifetime warranty on material and manufacturing defects. Victorinox knives are a worldwide symbol for reliability, functionality and perfection. Please note local rules may apply regarding the possession and/or carrying of knives or multitools in public. Each item is individually boxed.
Victorinox Spartan Wood pocket knife Victorinox Spartan Wood pocket knife
Recycled Materials
Organic Materials
Original Swiss pocket knife by Victorinox with walnut wood handle. This wood comes from fallen branches and fallen trees. Each knife is unique thanks to the natural grain of the wood. The hard anodized aluminium intermediate plates and tools are made from 100% recycled steel. 7-piece with 10 functions: large knife, small knife, corkscrew, can opener with small screwdriver, bottle opener with large screwdriver, wire stripper, reamer with punch and sewing awl, and key ring. Includes instruction manual and lifetime warranty on material and manufacturing defects. Victorinox knives are a worldwide symbol for reliability, functionality and perfection. Please note local rules may apply regarding the possession and/or carrying of knives or multitools in public. Each item is individually boxed.
Žepni Nož Colorado Žepni Nož Colorado
Zanesljiv in vzdržljiv žepni nož Colorado iz anodizirane kovine z vgrajenim zamaškom, odpiračem za steklenice, križnim izvijačem, pilico za nohte in škarjami. Izdelek je pakiran v elegantno škatlo.
Multi tool pocket knife cork Multikork Multi tool pocket knife cork Multikork
Organic Materials
Stainless steel multi-function pocket knife with a cork cover and PU cord. 7 functions. It includes 2 openers, knife, scissor, screwdriver with Philips tips, file and wine opener. Cork is a natural product, there may be slight variations in colour and size per item, which can affect the final decoration outcome.
Sestav Za Šoferja: Termična Skodelica Nordic 350 ml In Reševalni Nož - Rumena Sestav Za Šoferja: Termična Skodelica Nordic 350 ml In Reševalni Nož - Rumena
Praktičen sestav za voznika avtomobila. Termična skodelica za kavo ima odlične izolacijske lastnosti (ohranja pijačo toploto do 6 ur in hladno do 12 ur). Reševalni nož se lahko uporabi za rezanje avtomobilskih varnostnih pasov in ima na koncu ročaja razbijalo stekel. Opremljen je z varnostno blokado, ki preprečuje nenamerno zaprtje noža med uporabo.Izdelek je pakiran v črno darilno škatlo.
Sestav Optima Maxi - Rumena Sestav Optima Maxi - Rumena
Praktičen sestav, ki vsebuje artikle iz kolekcije Optima: veliko večnamensko orodje, reševalni nož in žepni nož. Večnamensko orodje je opremljeno s profesionalnim sistemom raztezanja sider namesto slabo delujočega sistema vzmeti, ki ga običajno najdemo na trgu. Njegova osnova je opremljena z univerzalnimi kleščami. Ima tudi žagico za les, nož, križni in ploščati izvijač, odpirač za steklenice in pločevinke ter pilico za nohte. Opremljen je tudi z varnostno funkcijo preprečitve zaprtja noža, ki ščiti uporabnika pred poškodbami.Reševalni nož, ki ima rezilo iz eloksiranega nerjavečega jekla, je opremljen z varnostno ključavnico, preprečujočo nenamerno zaprtje noža med uporabo. Profiliran ročaj je zaključen s trdnim delom za razbijanje šib in rezalnikom avtomobilskih varnostnih pasov.Žepni nož Optima ima 12 funkcij in vsebuje škarjice, nož, žagico za les, odpirač za steklenice in pločevinke, strgalo za ribe, zamašek, prebijač (npr. za prebitje pločevinke s sokom), vdevalnik niti (za krpanje zračnic, šivanje splava, krpanje gume), pilico za nohte in križni izvijač. Žepni nož ima tudi karabin, tako da ga imate lahko vedno varno pri sebi.Sestav je pakiran v elegantni škatli.
Komplet Colorado I: Led-Svetilka In Žepni Nož - Črna Komplet Colorado I: Led-Svetilka In Žepni Nož - Črna
Colorado I je praktičen komplet, ki ga sestavljata LED-svetilka in žepni nož. Svetilka je izdelana iz aluminija in oddaja usmerjeno svetlobo. Žepni nož je sestavljen iz zložljivega kompleta rezil z vgrajenim zamaškom, odpiračem za steklenice, križnim izvijačem, pilico za nohte in škarjami. Komplet je pakiran v elegantno škatlo.
Optima Večnamensko Orodje S Karabinom Optima Večnamensko Orodje S Karabinom
Lahki zložljivi nož Optima s karabinom, izdelan iz visokokakovostnega nerjavnega jekla s titanovo prevleko za večjo trdoto in dodatno odpornost proti koroziji. Glavne značilnosti: oster nož iz nerjavnega jekla, ravna in nazobčana konica ključa, ročaj v obliki oklepaja, luknjač za steklo, odpirač za steklenice. Zložljiv, lahko ga pripnete na hlače ali nahrbtnik. Rezilo je izdelano iz visokokakovostnega črno anodiziranega nerjavnega jekla.Nož je pakiran v zaščitno poliestrsko vrečko.
Set Orodja: Reševalni Nož In Žepni Nož - Rumena Set Orodja: Reševalni Nož In Žepni Nož - Rumena
Set orodja vključuje zložljiv nož in žepni nož s karabinom. Profiliran ročaj noža se konča z robustnim razbijalnikom oken in rezalnikom avtomobilskih pasov. Žepni nož ima različne funkcije, kot so: škarje, nož, žaga za les, odpirač za steklenice in pločevinke, strgalo za ribe, izvijač, luknjač, nitkar, pilica za nohte, križni izvijač. Obe orodji sta izdelani iz visokokakovostnega nerjavnega jekla, prevlečenega s titanovo prevleko za večjo trdoto in dodatno odpornost proti koroziji.
SOLDEN. Multifunction pocket knife in stainless steel and metal with mini LED flashlight SOLDEN. Multifunction pocket knife in stainless steel and metal with mini LED flashlight
Organic Materials
Multifunction pocket knife in stainless steel and metal with mini LED flashlight. The pocket knife has 11 functions: PH screwdriver, punch, nail file, sewing eye, corkscrew, LED light, scissors, wood saw, knife, bottle and can opener. Includes 3 AG10 batteries. 90 x 20 x 27 mm
KAPRUN. Multi-function pocket knife made of stainless steel and metal KAPRUN. Multi-function pocket knife made of stainless steel and metal
Multi-function pocket knife made of stainless steel and metal. Includes 11 functions: corkscrew, sewing eye, nail file, punch, PH screwdriver, bottle and can opener, scissors, fish scaler and hook spreader, wood saw and knife. 90 x 25 x 18 mm
GRODEN. Multifunction pocket knife GRODEN. Multifunction pocket knife
Multifunctional pocket knife made of stainless steel and plastic. Includes 13 functions: corkscrew, sewing eye, nail file, PH screwdriver, bottle and can opener, scissors, fish scaler and hook spreader, wood saw, knife, tweezers and toothpick. 90 x 20 x 17 mm
BELPIANO. Multifunction pocket knife in stainless steel and wood BELPIANO. Multifunction pocket knife in stainless steel and wood
Organic Materials
Multifunction pocket knife in stainless steel and wood. Includes 5 functions: corkscrew, awl, bottle and can opener, and knife. As the product is made from natural materials, the colour and the printing result may vary between products. 90 x 25 x 12 mm
Komplet Colorado I: Led-Svetilka In Žepni Nož Komplet Colorado I: Led-Svetilka In Žepni Nož
Colorado I je praktičen komplet, ki ga sestavljata LED-svetilka in žepni nož. Svetilka je izdelana iz aluminija in oddaja usmerjeno svetlobo. Žepni nož je sestavljen iz zložljivega kompleta rezil z vgrajenim zamaškom, odpiračem za steklenice, križnim izvijačem, pilico za nohte in škarjami. Komplet je pakiran v elegantno škatlo.
Victorinox Super Tinker pocket knife Victorinox Super Tinker pocket knife
Recycled Materials
Original Swiss pocket knife from the Victorinox Officer's line: with ABS handle, connecting plates of hard-anodised aluminium and tools made from 100% recycled steel. 10-pieces with 14 functions: large knife, small knife, can opener with small screwdriver 3 mm, bottle opener with large screwdriver 6 mm, Phillips screwdriver 1/2, reamer with punch and sewing awl, wire stripper, scissors, multifunctional hook, keyring, tweezers and toothpick. Includes instruction manual and lifetime warranty on material and manufacturing defects. Victorinox knives are a worldwide symbol for reliability, functionality and perfection. Please note local rules may apply regarding the possession and/or carrying of knives or multitools in public. Each item is individually boxed.

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